Friday, May 9, 2008


W H A T A I L S I N D I A ?

Farcical System of Reservation

India, as the world knows has produced the highest talent in whole world in past. Our glorious past shows it all. Where is that talent now? The government of India boasts of those Indians who are serving NASA or achieved high honors in other countries but after all who will serve this poor, down-trodden country where a common man has nothing to think but how to earn bread for the next day.
The reservation system for scheduled castes and tribes was initiated when constitution of India was launched, for a fixed period but year by year its tentacles spread to engulf the common man who unluckily did not belong to the class enjoying reservation and whose petty dreams included good education for his children.
This reservation policy was a brainchild of some politicians’ absolutely misguided thoughts on social disparity and who had presumably no concern for the masses. This nation was never as divided as it is now. The majority belongs to that ‘unprivileged’ class who has no reservations for them.
What is this farcical system serving after all? Has it succeeded in plugging the educational gap? It has UTTERLY FAILED and has produced those indestructible plants of hatred that are going to last for ever.
There are reservations in educational institutions right from the beginning up to end of schooling with all other possible monetary benefits. But till this level, this reservation policy fails to inculcate that talent which is needed to go to professional engineering or medical or any other college. Our far sighted political leaders were aware of such a failure therefore there is again reservation for entry into any professional college for people belonging to reserved category. One might think that after this much of effort. Probably one sees an acceptable talent. But this does not happen. And sensing it already, there are provisions for reservations in all possible government jobs. When the government has assisted a person to this level, why will it bother him to study for promotions? There are again huge reservations in promotions. AND IT GOES ON AND ON!
With such a reservation policy which does not give you the slightest chance to do any hard work, why will one waste time in developing any talent at all?
This is a farcical system that was initiated by fascists.
Today, if you do not belong to a reserved category like 75% Indians, you are left with a very small share of seats every where whether it is school, college, jobs, promotions, anything.
How could such a country produce talent?


Saturday, March 15, 2008


Did you hear that Indians are now into the list of richest people? We could have celebrated if they were generous enough to do something for an ordinary Indian like me who is jostling with long power cuts, acute water scarcity, lack of basic civic amenities and so on. What we expect from our governments is certainly not to be happy to see so many Indians in NASA or elsewhere but to appropriate our hard earned money to those things which are for general people.
Who are the people whose representatives are sitting in the parliament? They are not my representatives, and not yours either. Do they think of us or our rights, or their duties towards this country? More than half of them have substantial criminal records. Will you ever hand over the keys of your house to any of them? How could you afford to hand over the throne of India to them? DO NOT GO TO VOTE ANY OF THEM lest it should make you a partner in crime.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Ask any Indian what he or she thinks about politicians.More than 90% Indians shall say that politicians constitute the worst breed. Then WHY DO THEY CAST THEIR VOTE? When every politician, or more appropriately every available candidate is most likely a criminal, why people can't restrict themselves from voting them, or any of them to power, that power which shall later be used against us some way.
Is there something else to talk about in India except politics, cricket and films? Do news channels realize their social responsibilities commensurate with their power? This is not merely lamenting over what others are doing, this relates to the position, power, capability and opportunity that some people have. This is not a cry over what others are doing or a justification why we do not do certain things. This is not about holding others answerable to us or holding all their (mis)deeds questionable. When people have power, or when they snatch it by all unfair means (like majority of our politicians do), and are in a position to affect others, then they become answerable as to why they are at a certain position.
This is the appropriate time when we decide NOT TO VOTE AT ALL when we don't find a right candidate.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Mera Bharat Mahaan

what if 40% people sleep hungry

what if children are born on the roads

what if people do not have a roof over their heads

what if there are no medical facilities, no hospitals

Mera Bharat Mahaan

what if there is no drinking water

what if there is no electricity

what if there are no roads

Mera Bharat Phir Bhi Mahaan